Sunday, July 31, 2011

What things might a teenage boy might hide from his parents?

We all know that giving up your childhood and letting yourself in to adolescence is a part of growing up. Things are changing from ourselves, not just physically but all other aspects of a person going to be a teen. In teenage gap, teenagers are active and curios when it comes to many things. They changed attitude, choose things from their own decisions and click to many exciting things. They learn more because they are curios and there mind are more active to absorb things and activities and they knew how to apply it in real lives.

In case of a boy, who comes along in a teenage gap, he surely lot of new things learned from his friends. I experienced those things when I was in the starting line and I do things secretly just as a normal teenage boy. You know, when you are being a teenager, that you can’t do such things if you can’t hide it. You hide things because they are bad, they are not acceptable to anyone but your friends, but that was just the case or consequences around being a teenager. But what does a teenage boy might hide from his parents? I list down some things though there are some and such things that can’t be mention either.

Drugs. This may be the dangerous and unacceptable thing to any parent if their son is taking drugs and that will be a disaster between parents and the teenage boy. Generally, drugs have different effect to anyone, to our body and for sure it will not benefit us. What will be the effect of it for a teenage boy? There are only two answers: a short time pleasure or a lifetime disorder. A teenage boy who is taking drugs will surely hide those things from his parents because he doesn’t want to go to rehab. Sometimes with lack of self-respect and discipline, a teenage boy might help his problems through a drug and when he got the answers from them, it will be a bad habit. Parents should also provide good guidance to their sons and take out things that might affect their sons and end up in a prison.

Girlfriend. This may be the top of the list when it comes to the title. Some teenage boys are shy to let their parents know about the things may happen to them. Especially when it comes to a teenage boy love life, commonly they hide things and don’t tell things about their crushes or girlfriend to their parents. When I was in high school, I have my first girlfriend but I didn’t tell my mom about that. But when the relationship grows, the more gossips came to my mom. Though, I knew to myself that my mom knows about my girlfriend I’m still shy about it. But after that relationship, I now told my mom about the next relations I got that time. Sure things happens to other teenage boy of course, I experienced it that is why I knew what other teenage boys felt.

Dirty Magazines/DVDs. This may be another dirty thing from a teenage boy. Practically, knowing sex is a part of growing up that is why their still the undying debate about sex education. A teenage boy might be that aggressive when it comes to curiosity. So things that aren’t made for them may be taken by them also. That is why they will know a lot of things that other people do, especially those unusual things that aren’t for them. Actually it is more influential for a teenage boy to mimic something when it comes to another same teenage boy rather than the real adult out there. Dirty magazines or DVDs may come from their co-teenage boys also where they choose to begin bad attitudes because of lack of support and guidance from their parents.

What foods that you put ketchup to add spice?

Some people love to put some taste on their food to boost up the taste of it so it can be more fun and delicious to eat. There are lot of spices you can add to your food to make it taste better. There are sauces and sprinkles made from unique ingredients. These enhancements are from different countries from their different tradition but there are some enhancements that became generally used worldwide like ketchup, oyster sauce, hot sauce, etc. They are widely used in every place here around the world for every purpose and every desire.

Ketchup is one of widely used enhancement to boost up a food’s taste. There have been ways to produce ketchup, from the content and flavour. People love to put ketchup to their food to produce a different taste from it. I list here the common foods that people love to put ketchup on to produce an enhanced taste.

Fried food. This is the common food you may put ketchup on. Here in the Philippines, ketchup is the basic sauce and became traditionally enhancing fried foods to a greater taste. There is a commercial that says ‘alone with your food fried, makes your meal dried’ and I believe in that. Even me, I can’t eat just a cup of rice and a fried one without any sauce on it so I always find ketchup to add some fluids on my food, which is my favourite sauce among others. Some used soy sauce here, with calamansi, but I refer to used ketchup, not too salty, not too bitter and not too sweet for everyone. It will make your dried meal a flood one I guess, and will satisfy you also. Just like any other fast food chains, they refer to offer free ketchup than any other for fried foods like fried chicken, fried fish, fried egg, etc. rather than gravy and other sauces.

Burger. This is the second place in my list were you can put ketchup, with different flavours. As my favourite sauce, I always refer to you ketchup and even if I eat burgers. Sometimes I put some hot ketchup because I love to eat spicy things because it adds some of my appetite to eat. Some people who ordered burger in a fast food chain used to refer ketchup on their food, not because it is available and free, not because it is traditional, but because ketchup is a very good enhancer for your burger. Here, there are lot different ketchups like hot and spicy ketchup which is my favourite when eating a burger, banana ketchup which I refer because of its unique sweetness when eating burger when hot and spicy one is not available around. There are other ketchup flavours you can try when eating a burger but I suggest putting just a little amount of spicy flavour to boost up your appetite in eating.

Spaghetti. When I see my older sister tries to put some ketchup on her spaghetti, I tempted to do it on mine and I get a nice result from it. I know there is a specific sauce, different sauce, for spaghetti but when I tried to add some amount of ketchup on the sauce, just a little amount of it and the taste comes different but more delicious. There is a ketchup, or improved ketchup that not just used as a sauce but used when cooking to produce a different taste on your food. This is new in the market, the ‘cook and dip’ version of ketchup, were you can dip foods and you can cook it with your food. Sometimes there are cooks that put ketchups on sauces of spaghetti to produce a great taste. But sometimes, when the spaghetti sauce is not that tasteful, some adds ketchup to it which enhances its taste. For a better taste, try to cook spaghetti sauce with ketchup, and when mixing with the pasta, add some amount of flavoured ketchup.

Monday, July 25, 2011

What features of most parades that frighten children?

Most of us knew what parade is because it was fun to watch at all. Though parades come with different presentation, it still gives us entertainment. There were themes for them like funny or comedy theme, action theme, drama theme, etc. But nevertheless, it was fun to watch and satisfy us when we were looking for some amazement.

Though adults love to watch parades, some are really scared in some features of different parade. They were scared because it was unusual to them or maybe it was their first time to watch a parade but they didn’t expect that it will go scary though the theme is comedy. It was a nightmare for them when they saw these features around a parade but what really these features are.

Clowns. Clowns are present in each festival parade, especially when the theme is fun they were all present. They will handshake people and do some tricks at the road. Though clowns are funny, children are still scared to them because they were mistaken that they have eaten something that the red make up from their face acts like a blood. Children always mistake for that and then, that day started their nightmares from the clowns. Maybe children are scared of the clowns because when they thought them about the clowns, they were mad and evil. So, when they saw clowns in reality, they will hide from them.

Sirens. One thing more about the features of parade that scares children is the sirens. Children knew what siren is, they heard it from a fire truck because there was a fire near them and that gives them a trauma sometimes. So, when they hear it from the parade, they thought that there was a fire or what so ever scary story they knew about those sirens. Sirens from a police car may also scare children and which is sometimes present in parades. Some children are scared of police so they knew that there are police nearby when they hear their sirens. Sometimes they refer to go inside their house and hide under their beds than to watch parades with lots of clowns and sirens.

Masks/Costumes. In some features of parade, usually if the theme is Halloween, children will surely scared and scream to death when they saw them. There are masks and costumes that scared children at all like monsters, ghost, Dracula, witches, etc. Children will sure be cry to death when these masks and costumes sounds like they are real, you know when they laugh like evil, growls like a lion, and speak some scary lines. Children will cry to them and hide, so it will kill the joy of the others because they can’t watch the parade with fun and entertainment. So next time you go watch a parade which you know has some scary features, better to leave your children in your houses.

Gunshots. Some parades features action theme and gunshots will go anywhere though it is just a record. But sometimes they feature a fake one and act some scene on the road like they were killing each other and it feels like you were watching a live action. Like I said earlier, children are afraid of police and we all know that police have guns and some children are afraid of gunshots at all. Though other kids have the love of them, there are still children who are afraid to socialize or have a trauma in gunshots that will scare them and make them cry.

Fireworks. Some children hate loud noises and parade is one event. Children scares more about fireworks than of sirens but when they knew that it was beautiful to watch, they will not cry out because of their noises and they will have fun to watch them. Children may hate fireworks when they have a real bad experience about them or they just hate some loud noise of shots and explosions even if they are recorded or not.


To our modern world, calculators are basic machines used to measure quantities applied in different field and styles. People used calculator for many purposes where it gives you the calculated amount you were looking for. Student basically used calculators to solve and calculate more accurate solutions and to solve even faster. Just point up the numbers and the desired operation then press the “=” button and there you have the answer. As easy as it is, that is why it is used for a lot in every field were calculation is present.

In the history of calculating machines, calculators have come the best and most effective way of solving and calculating digits. Abacus is the oldest calculating device that is still known in some people here in our planet. This calculating machine is manually operated were you can’t find digits or buttons but beads sealed linearly set in rows. They place the beads in every row and come with an accurate answer. But when it comes to quality and usage, abacus is far away from calculators.

Calculators may come from different kinds and styles. There we have the basic calculator, were it has the number digits from 0 to 9, the basic mathematical operation digits which are the addition (+ sign), subtraction (- sign), multiplication (X sign) and division ( sign). This basic calculator also comes with some reset button were it reset back to 0 after the operation. This is commonly used in stores in computing summations of the product’s prices and for calculating the change of the customer. Sometimes it is also used in some companies were they summarize all their reference which is written in digits.

Scientific calculator is a kind of calculator which has more function than basic calculator. It has its own functional digits designed to calculate angles etc. This goes with some more complicated mathematical operations in some fields of engineering like trigonometry and algebra. It has function keys like tan, cos, sin, x2, nPr, ln, log, etc. which is more complicated than basic calculator keys. This is ever better than basic calculator because if you knew how to operate a scientific calculator, you will benefit every functional keys of it. Scientific calculators have its own mode systems where you can set the calculation like for an equations, graph, fractions, etc. Students in higher years are often use scientific calculators for their own purposes and because of its good features to solve applicable problems and give accurate solutions and answers.

If you don’t want to become handy and physical when it comes to calculating machines, you can have software calculator. This is software that can be installed on your phones, computers and laptops. Just like the other calculators that I mentioned recently, software calculators offers the same benefits but is more functional than scientific and basic calculators. Unlike the other calculators, this has its specification of problems and can have shown you solutions and graphs how it came with the answer. Software calculators are often used by students out there which are looking for better explanation of works and solutions. You can have written the equation or problem and the let alone the software calculator do it for you.
Calculators are designed to help us in calculating things but we must remember that we must still know the basic mathematical operations and much better if we know how to solve problems and equations without the help and aid of calculators. Sometimes it has the bad effect of laziness to some students because calculators just give those answers but not solutions which are confusing in the part of those who don’t know the solutions and ways why it came to that answer. Better to study on things and use calculators for answer check not for final answers.

Our priest manifest a joke

Last Sunday, I went to our church here in our community near our house. It was a 5:00 PM mass and when I come in the church I was late and a little bit tired because I know that I’m late so I quickly catch up the mass but I was still late. I was late so I intended to sit at the back but I can clearly see and hear the speeches and ceremonies.

After a few words to feed our soul and other ceremonies here comes the homily or the sermon of the priest. He was a great one and he started with a welcome greet to us. At first when he started his sermon I didn’t know that he was joking though I realized later that he is. The joke goes:

            There was a three couple applying and processing their marriage at the church office. They were in line because it accidentally happens that they are three couples. The first couple went inside the church office and start some orientation with the priest. It took a long time but when they are finished the second couple get inside the church office and started some orientation with the priest too. It is just in time when the second couple went out the church office so the third couple gets in to have the last orientation with the priest.
            After some time, though it takes too long, when the third couple went outside the church office, they saw that the other two couples are waiting for them
B3: Hey! What are you still doing here?
B1: Ahmmm we just forgot to ask the priest if how much we will pay for each our wedding. Did you ask him about that?
B3: No but we can go back and ask him about that.
            The three gentleman come back to the church office and ask the priest how much will they pay for their wedding. The priest said that the payment for their wedding is voluntary or it depends on them how much they will pay for the service. The church is free of service in wedding occasions. But the priest told something to the three gentleman how much they will pay for their wedding. They will pay depends on how their fiancés look like.
            The three gentleman ask again and let the priest explained. The priest said that if their fiancés are beautiful they must pay big cash in hand. So the three gentleman went back outside to check their fiancés and then went back again inside the church office.
            The first gentleman take out some booklet, it was a check. Then he writes some words and signs his signature. Then he tears it up and gives it to the priest. The priest shock because it was a P10,000.00 worth of check. The priest then thanked the first gentleman and escorted him outside the church office. The priest looks at his fiancé and murmured to the first gentleman, “Great! She was beautiful” and then go back inside the church office.
            The second gentleman take out some thick arrangement of money from his pocket. He counted some piece of money and then he gave it to the priest. The priest was then shocked because he received a P5,000.00 cash. Then, the priest again escorted the second gentleman outside to check his fiancé. When they are outside the church office the priest said to the second gentleman, “She was pretty you are very lucky!” and then go back inside the church office.
            The third gentleman was quiet and worried how much he will pay for it. He then takes a look outside to see his fiancé first. Then he takes out something in his pocket and gives it to the priest with some shyness. It was a P5.00 coin and the priest was worried. The priest said that it was ok for him if he hasn’t any cash right now so he escorted him outside the church office to take a look at his fiancé. When they are outside the church office, the priest called back the third gentleman and said, “Here is your P3.00 change. Congratulations!”.

After that joke, laughter comes from the crowd inside the church and I bet that it was funny too. Though I didn’t knew that it was a joke at first but it makes me smile and laugh. Our priest is really a great one, then he gave the real sermon afterwards.

Signs of falling in love

Can you ever imagine how you start or begin fell in love with someone? I am sure that you didn’t know but the experienced how it goes there is still the same. People have its own different feelings for someone when they are starting to fall in love that is why you can’t say that you know that that someone is falling in love with anyone. Here I list some of “S” things that can be a sign that you might falling in love with someone.

He/She stares. You know already when you are staring at someone but differently when you are staring at someone you like or love. When he/she glance at you, you feel like he/she stares at you for a long time. It’s just like your dream boy/girl has been caught glued his/her eyes at you. Though you knew that it was a glance, you can feel it to yourself that he/she stares at you for a time. It sometimes happen when you almost thinking and hoping that he/she would glance at you and have a little eye contact for a moment.

He/She stays. When staying at a corner waiting for someone, there is some time that your crush or someone you like or love happens to walk in front of you. You knew it even if you are doing something because you knew what he/she smells, what he/she wears etc. When he/she walk in front of you, it doesn’t feel like a flash because you may feel stunned and might see in your head that he/she stays and standing still in front of you though he/she already passed you out. You know, his/her image remains in your head and once forgot you take a look back and look for him/her that he/she actually passed you out.

He/She sings. We know that a conversation with someone we have a crush on or someone we like or love is just like forever dating him/her face to face. You can hear his/her voice playing again and again in your head. When he/she just talk to you, you feel like he/she sings love lyrics to you and it played on your head repeatedly. Sometimes when he/she is talking to you, you can hear on your head some melodies and his/her voice is rhymed and connected to the melody you hear.

He/She says. This is the best thing you can feel for someone you like or live or someone you have a crush on. When he/she smiles at you, it’s just like a picture perfect for you, and even if he/she is just smiling at you, you can hear that he/she says something like “I love you” or “I like you” which is the best if happened in reality. But our mind sometimes drives us really crazy when we fell in love for someone that we think any impossible things that we could imagine of.

He/She stops. Just like when he/she walks in front of you and then the feeling of she stays still or he/she stops and remain standing in front of you, this time when he/she sits beside you or near you. When he/she just sit beside you and suddenly leave, you feel like he/she stops and stayed up beside you but in your imagination he/she was closer to you. Sometimes it is one of our happiness that someone we love or like or someone we have crush on will stay or just sit to our side or near us for a moment. It will be a feeling of flying or floating in the clouds.

He/She sparks. This may be the crazy and unbelievable among all signs. When you see him/her with his near-perfect face and with his/her body, sometimes it comes along to your imaginations that he is sparkling with lights like diamonds. You think that he/she is so precious that he/she even shines like a star when you are looking at him/her. It can drive you with some drop-jaw and an amazed smile.

Sometimes we have our own way of imagination when we are starting to fall in love. But basically, we are just thinking or getting over him/her always that is why the love and its spell drives us crazy and that is true. People have their own sweet experiences when they start to fell in love with someone.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

What might you see that would make you get out of the water while swimming in the ocean?

Swimming is one of many habits of people around the world. It is a joyful activity since our planet is composed actually of many bodies of water especially ocean. People go the beach to swim and to have fun surfing. A kid may enjoy the ocean too rather than pools. Ocean is the basic place where people swim a lot of times maybe because it is calm there and less people around. But before you go in the midst of the ocean, make sure that are a good swimmer and not that a beginner because there are lot of incidents that you didn’t know. But for sure there are lot of safe ocean areas around your vicinity that will surely make you not just to swim but to go fishing, go surfing and many more water activities.

As people go to the ocean, their still the danger from unnecessary happenings around that you might didn’t know for sure. But while swimming in the ocean, people are sometimes scared of what they saw that are unusual to them. But what might people see that would surely make them in haste to get out of the water?

Shark. People know that sharks are dangerous animal and it is resistant to control, very aggressive thing. Hundred percent you will get out of the water if you saw some shark figure swimming around your area or you saw some swimming fins around you. The worst case of you saw the fin swimming towards you, better to get out of the water quickly. We all know some incidents of shark attacks in many areas of the ocean around the world so if you will go swimming, make sure that you have the history of the place and better to go with some friends or family relatives. Sharks are aggressive predators that will surely eat you if they found you swimming and floating around their area. This animal is the most dangerous one in the water world.

Whale. For all of my life swimming in the ocean, I didn’t see a whale yet but I know what they are. A whale is a huge mammal that lives deep in the ocean but unlike shark, they are not as aggressive as they are. Whales are sometimes goes up and take some play around flipping there fins and tails and were some people love to watch. They eat small fishes but I don’t think they want to eat humans; there isn’t any news about that. Physically, as they are really huge water animal, you will sure be scared if you see one of them swimming right underneath were you are swimming in the ocean. You can’t even move or you have been shocked from the thing you saw but the thrill will get you out of the water.

Sea turtle. As I said recently, people are somewhat scared of things that are unusual to them and then come along to their sight like a ghost. People are scared of some objects that they know is harmful or dangerous to them. Sea turtles are unusual animals to those persons who are first timer to swim in the ocean, especially if they don’t know any history of the place. Sea turtles can be as large as a kid or even larger so when a person swimming not that deep and saw some sea turtles, it’s funny to say that they will run to their boats. Just like whales, they are friendly animals that don’t hurt people around them.

Jellyfish. In some ways, people are scared of these little cute things called jellyfish. Maybe these people are not aware of what jellyfish are. But there are jellies that are venomous and can be harmful for us if any contact made from its tentacles. But other people love to play with it and have some fun or make them pets. It is just unusual that you find some sticky things in a deep ocean floating and leeching to you.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Overdrive & e-readers training

Wednesday, July 27
6:30 pm

Learn how to use Overdrive to download ebooks to your computer and how to transfer them onto portable players - including Sony Readers, Nooks and iPads. To register stop by the library or call 415-355-2858.

What reasons you would not keep you New Year’s resolution?

We all know what a New Year’s resolution is and what its purpose. We write and list down things we want and we don’t want. But commonly, we list down some of the things we want to change from ourselves, especially the attitudes. Say you have been a bad boy that bullies anyone you can for the last year, so you may want to write down on your New Year’s resolution that you will change your attitude of being a bad boy that bullies anyone you can. Say you are always late on your work or in your classes, so you may write or list down that you will change that attitude and try not to be late again at times. Say we you were too spendthrift of your money or allowances, and then you may write that you will spend your money carefully and wisely.

All of us have its own wants and needs to change things from ourselves and the basic thing to do is to have a list of the thing you want to change and that is a New Year’s resolution. But commonly, some of are things-want-to-change didn’t go successfully at the end of the year. Sometimes, we cannot keep those we promised that we list down at the first day of the year. But what are the reasons behind we couldn’t keep our New Year’s resolution?

Too hard. Like I said recently, we may write a lot of things that we want to change to ourselves. Sometimes there comes the impossibility to change one of our attitudes that we had almost a year. So when we write those attitudes and practices because that is not good and we want it to change from ourselves we also facing the fact like that we are throwing away a toy from a kid. And that comes the hardest part of it, you know to yourself that you can’t unchanged such things but as you’ve seen it bad, you wrote down to your New Year’ resolution. Say you are a pro smoker and you always practice to take smoke every day. You used to practiced that last year but as you seen it not good for your health, you write it down to your resolution. But badly, for the first days you can’t resist that attitude and tend to forgot what you wrote.

Lazy. Sometimes we can’t just change such things not because it is too hard to change but we can accept that we are just lazy. We can’t maintain our New Year’s resolution because at the first month of doing those things you wrote, you feel enough laziness to not keep your resolution. You can’t choose things that you will sure do throughout the year and better. Laziness is one of the worst sicknesses of all people that have no cure. We can’t keep our promises just because we are lazy and we can’t help ourselves for that. Say you want to change your attitude of being late always at work or at your classes, sure you can’t keep that if you always feel lazy and always getting from your bed late. That is one example, but there are lot more because laziness is inborn in some people out there.

Forget. Sometimes we forget a lot of things or we can say we forget to keep such things. Our New Year’s resolution will not be successful if we forget about it and keep your laziness throughout the year. That is normal to forget things that we listed down to our New Year’s resolution. But if we lose the list, sure you can’t keep your New Year’s resolution for a month or two. You can’t even remember what you had written down to your resolution. You may remember something if you thought about your wrong deeds and you are always doing it. Say you lose your New Year’s resolution, you may forgot those that are written down their but you may remember the top of the list or the number one that you really want to change in yourself.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What is the most unoriginal Halloween costume?

Halloween is one of the most creative Holidays in a year. People love to scare people and they love to express the atmosphere of Halloween by wearing different scary costumes. Traditionally, every nation has its own scary creatures and we can’t say that they are not scary but I say no one will ever laugh but scream at night if you’ve seen these costumes. But originally, we can’t think and make another scary creature from another imagination or cartoon. Normally, the ones that who made costumes refer to those cases of creature and monsters that is indeed scary and once feared. We say, from others and from our own experiences we saw different creatures in movies and in reality that scared us and that we know in our mind that those creatures whether it is real or not, it scared us.

People love to know the expressions of people around when they saw a creature that they scared of. They wear the best costume ever and scare people around and then laugh around after. But what really is the most unoriginal Halloween costume?

Ghost. We know that ghost are often scare people, whatever its face and figure. But mostly, a white lady is the most common of all ghosts of the century. You always seen it in TV, movies or maybe you have seen it in reality. Ghosts are souls of dead people they say, so they are around us together living with us. People love to make costumes from it because it is the basic and very unoriginal Halloween costume of all. We know that ghost comes from everywhere and every nation.

Witch. This is the second of the list and most wore costume for girls aside from a ghost of a white lady. Witches are originally come from Western countries but every nation has its own versions of witches but nevertheless they are all witches in the same name and character. People love this costume in Halloween parties and other costume events and parties. Proudly black, this costume signifies darkness and evil.

Pumpkin. This costume is not that scary but I listed down on number three because it has a lot of influence to people. People love to wear pumpkin costume just for fun because it is not scary one. But I think it depends on the person who wears a pumpkin costume if he/she can greatly handle it and can surely scare people around. Just add some action and voice and you have the scariest pumpkin character ever. But make sure that you can handle the big head around your face and get ready to sweat a lot if you want to wear it.

Clown. Clowns are traditionally funny stuffs and person but people make a twist from it. There made some stories of evil clowns who don’t make fun of himself or other things or people but do bad things to them. You can consider this costume as a basic one because of its structure. You just add some scary long clothes and have some very scary make up on you face.

Vampire/Dracula. Like witches and ghost, this may be the most worn costume in every costume party. Most of this costumes is for boys and it really make it real for them if they have those capes and black suites and most of all, the fangs. White skin and the makeup may add to the scary thing but to most people they are not that scary of all. Sometimes you can refer them as hot or should have not here in a Halloween costume but in a modelling section.

Monday, July 18, 2011

What things that you feel first before you buy it?

Market is always the place where you can find your needs and demands especially if you are looking for food. There are also clothes and appliances to be bought and a lot more stuffs. Sometimes a buyer must be wise in order to fulfil the satisfaction that he/she are looking for. He/she must be curious and look for the safety of the product. Anyway, there are lot of stores in the market has the purpose of to sell all their products but not to provide good services and products. They forgot to treat their customers as they exchange a healthy relation between each other.

A buyer should take insights of the product and for as the seller, they should be more persuasive in selling their product. That will be more good relation and will sure and up to buy that product and the seller sold one, the two parties benefit. This is actually the situation I always seen in the market, but as I experience a lot more people buying and selling, I notice the curiosity of the people to choose any product, especially they first feel it before they buy it. What are these products?

Fruit/vegetables. These are the obvious thing that a person might feel first before he/she buy it. A wise buyer will do that, checking for some damage around its body and sometimes smelling it. Fruits and vegetables are prone of damage because they are delivered from miles away from the cities; you know there is no farm in the city so these products are exported from anywhere. Furthermore, you didn’t know where it came from, from an animal farm? From the mining of  highland? You can’t suspect anything but the sure thing and best thing you can do is to check and feel for damages around it. As for my experience, sometimes there are holes made from worms and others. If you feel that the product is soft, or softer than its original body, don’t buy it anyway because there might be something inside it.

Clothes. Aside from fruits and vegies, clothes can be less to feel for. But as a wise buyer, the same thing treat you will do when buying clothes. You check for any damages or wrong stitches, you feel it if it’s the best wear for the season and choosing the style and color. When you chose someone because of its style and color and you think that it will be nice for you if you were it, better feel the quality or the product itself. The cotton content of the product is one that most buyers are looking for. Sometimes they also feel it if it will be change its quality if you wash and wear it many times or if you ironed it many times. You also feel clothes for some undesirable stitches around inside the clothes that may cause you some itchiness if you were wearing it.

Bread. Most of us didn’t consider feeling first the bread and checking for its quality before buying it. We are just sure that it is good because it came from our trusted bakeries and bread shops. Sometimes bakeries and bread shops has their own mistakes also, you know if the demands is low they find to sell all goods whether it has damage, expired or not, the quality content is losing because of the money. I experienced once when I am eating bread, there are some fungi around it, lucky for me I didn’t it that. Commonly, buyers of bread feel the product because they were looking for big but much more content than the others so that the money they will spent will not come to waste and of course to meet their satisfaction.

Pillow. When choosing a pillow, 100% you will feel it first before you buy it. A buyer of pillow wants a bag of feathers not foams. For sure you can’t buy it for just a price. A good pillow will sure make your dreams sweet and calm. As I experienced, when I’m buying in the supermarket, and I saw someone buying  a pillow, he didn’t just touch it or squeezing it, but rather he lie on the floor place the pillow under his head and check for the quality. Funny but I think he is just doing his rights for a buyer and I think he is wise to choose products. People don’t want some hard objects on their pillows so if they are buying some, they first check for unnecessary hard object inside it.

What food might you eat if you didn’t feel like chewing?

People love to eat different foods but if a person has a sick of laziness there are case that they will not eat either. Sometimes people don’t like chewing their food, or they just want to taste the food in their mouth and let it melt without chewing it, I’m sure you know how it happens. You eat something soft and taste it for a long time inside your mouth. Usually, this is I refer to as baby sickness, you know why, because babies sometimes don’t chew their food because they don’t have teeth and they just want some juices or soft foods to take in.

Well, you might offer some people who don’t feel like chewing different soft and juicy foods but it is depends on them if they will accept your offer. I list some foods that will make you it if you don’t feel like chewing:

Soup. This food is the best dish for those who don’t want to chew something in their mouth while eating. It’s just like you are drinking something but not any other beverages. Eating a soup can get you the same amount of nutrient for an average meal and more likely, it is easier to eat than any other soft foods. Traditionally, in the field of food industry, there are lot of different soups around the world. Differently, because they differ from the ingredients, the color, the taste, the serving style, the cooking style and many other characteristics. Maybe people who didn’t feel like chewing or just too lazy to chew, will order in a restaurant a soup, any flavour will do either. The thing is, if a person didn’t really want to chew if he/she wants to it, it may lead to skipping meals.

Ice cream. Usually, this is one of the demands in the market. People buy ice cream in different reasons. For me, it is just for dessert or something because people will have a dessert and they want it to take in without chewing. I think that is the mannerism around the habit of people in eating. If they eat too much and they will go for dessert, for sure they don’t feel like chewing but want some more to eat. This is the part of the ice cream came, the most applicable dessert because of its flavour and taste that sure no one can resist from it. Obviously, if you don’t want to chew, and then lick something and that is ice cream. Unlike soup, ice cream is much unique by its form as a soft cold food and is different with the ingredients and how it cooked.
Yogurt. Most people choose this food if ice cream is not available around the market. This is also a choice for those who don’t feel like chewing food in their mouth if they wanted to eat. Just like ice cream, it is a soft cold food which is often flavoured with strawberry, orange and other fruit ingredients that you can mix to it. It is also healthy if you eat it in diet but there is no difference between any other desserts, always sweet and in demand. For sure you if you want make your tummy full, you just don’t choose a food who you can sip on when you don’t feel like chewing. The best choices for me is you better take in and try some yogurt and I’m sure it is next to ice cream when it comes to soft cold food desserts. Plus, you can try each flavour and will sure satisfy your tummy.

Mashed potatoes. This may be a nice food and the best choice of course if you don’t feel like chewing, you wanted to fill something on your tummy, and you just don’t want to eat sweet foods. Probably, you may want some mushed potatoes as an alternative for ice creams and yogurts for desserts. Furthermore, there is also a benefit you can get in taking in mushed potatoes, remember that potatoes are some source of nutrients and vitamins. But unlike yogurt, this has fewer nutrients rather. But you can have a lot of choices around if you don’t feel like chewing.

What fruits that changes color when it ripens?

As we all know, fruits changes its color when it ripens. There are lot of fruits all over the world, but I just listed here the most common to people when you ask them the same question. Usually, they will give you a lot of fruits but as the survey says:

Banana. The most common fruit for all that changes color when it ripens. A banana before become ripe usually color green and when it ripens it will change its color to yellow. Usually, you can only eat a ripe banana but not the unripe one. Some people have their own dishes for the unripe one.

Apple. Just like the banana before it ripens, apples are color green if it is not ripe and become red color when it is ripe. Usually, a ripe apple are color red but there are 
also green apples that is also ripe in the right time but doesn’t changes its color.

Strawberry. This is the third one a person may answer you if you ask them the question. Strawberries are color green when if it is not ripe yet and fully red when it becomes ripe.